Saturday, May 31, 2008

ready.. set.. go!

beli baju baru buat kerja.. hwihihi... im employed!

paper: senin

proposal: selasa

kerja: senin

dokter: selasa

karaoke: ...

nonton: ...

ngopi: ...

ready.. set.. go!

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Saturday, May 24, 2008

i wish

I wish I could help him..

Thursday, May 22, 2008

hari ini

Apa ajeng yang tambah semakin lemah, atau memang masalah belakangan ini selalu menumpuk?

Mungkin memang ajeng semakin lemah..

Hari ini,

Biro arsitek yang saya dapatkan (P.T. Penta) hanya mengijinkan saya untuk bisa KP selama 3 bulan. 2 bulan full time masuk tanpa izin dan pada bulan ke-3 saya boleh bolong-bolong. Tetap saja, saya sangat merasa tidak aman. Saya takut proposal saya bermasalah lagi untuk TA depan. Saya bingung. Ajeng bingung.

Ingin cerita, tinggal tersisa Bang Dory.. hehe.. Ibu pusing mikirin kerjaan, dino jarang cerita, ayah di Padang, teman2 sibuk TA, ada juga yang sibuk magang di Urbane.

Setidaknya, barusan dino memberi satu piring Ring-O. Makasih..


Ketika saya sangat terpuruk, saya hanya bisa sendiri, saya tidak mau merepotkan orang lain, ya, karena alasan yang sudah saya bilang tadi.


Saya ingin berharap langit esok cerah, tak berawan, tak ada hujan, petir apalagi badai.

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Monday, May 19, 2008

what I need to doesn't mean I want to

I really want to say this: "This is it, then.."

Oh, if only I have enough courage and such big heart

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Sunday, May 18, 2008

gak ngeh

Baru saja disadarkan oleh seseorang. Saya sering menyakiti orang dengan kata-kata saya tanpa saya sadari. Tapi, sebetulnya saya tahu. Saya dapat itu dari Ibu saya, gen menurun. Like Mother Like Daughter. Penyakit ini, lebih parahnya lagi, saya lakukan terhadap orang yang sangat saya sayangi: Ibu saya sendiri, dan pacar saya. Seringkali saya bertengkar dengan ibu saya. Umumnya dan seringnya dipacu oleh kata-kata saya yang tidak saya sadari bahwa itu menyakitkan atau menyinggung perasaan. Ibu saya sendiri, dia juga memiliki sifat mudah tersinggung. Maka terjadilah semua pertengkaran di rumah ini. Orang-orang yang saling sayang bertengkar.

Pacar. Saya menyakiti dia dengan kata-kata yang tidak saya sadari. Terkadang bahkan tidak saya maknai. Berbicara tanpa berpikir. Lalu datanglah kata-kata yang pedas dari dia. Orang-orang yang saling sayang bertengkar lagi. Untuk hal yang satu ini, masih saya ragukan. Apa betul dia begitu?

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Saturday, May 17, 2008


I hate you
Left alone in the dark
You hate me
All those words stabbing my heart
I love you
Don't let us fall apart

Keep asking to myself,
tho you have the answer

Are we in trouble?
Don't let me wonder
I'm so in love with you
But I just can't reach you

Let it stay
Don't care even when it hurts
Then you'll pay
You come and beg for forgiveness
Suddenly you stay
Once again I hope, so just be honest

Keep asking to myself,
but you have the answer

Are we in trouble?
Don't let me wonder
I'm so in love with you
But I'm losing my faith in you

Staring at you staring out the window
Wonder what is today's show
Same people same background?
Or should I pull the curtain down?

Can't stop asking to myself
I get even more confused

Are we in trouble?
Don't let me wonder
I'm so in love with you
But I'm losing my faith in you

So tell me..
10.32pm 17.05.2008 @home

"Thinking positive" itu dekat dengan "Hoping too much a.k.a. High expectation"
So now I'm floating.. it's not as if I'm happy.. it's that I'm not sure, going up and laugh out loud, or going down and scream out loud...

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Sometimes I use this excuse: He's younger than me. So that I could think to myself that all he is doing is just impulsive and, of course, selfish. What do I get? Learn to be more and more patient. Try to hold on and handle all those obstacles. This is life anyway (I often say this to myself, to remind me that this is not a wonderland). Anyway, stay positive. Why don't I see how many times I let him down?

I give too much love. Why can't he just accept that? In fact, he should be happy with it, right?

Left alone wondering why? Why oh why? What have I done this time?

Men need their own time alone with their toys, with their boys, withOUT me.

Maybe he doesn't in too deep. So, the options are:
a. drag him deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeper
b. drag him deeeeeeeeeeper
c. drag him deeper
d. let him be himself

Let it go, let it go..


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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Owh Puhleeeezzz.....

Oh God, NOOOOO! just a few months until the new semester.. (FYI, I didn't continue my final project. So I'm planning on doing it next semester). I got only 31/2 months to finish all these:

1. Paper work for Artepolis 2 (upcoming international seminar held by my department)

2. Apprentice for at least 2 months in Architecture Firm (too scared to apply)

3. Proposal for the next final project (how am i gonna do this? one semester seminar should be done in a month??? one fuckin month!)

saya pusiinggg pusing tujuh keliliiiingg.. oh astagaaaaaaa.....

PS: my boyfriend and I are okay now..*grin*

Thursday, May 08, 2008


saya mau jadi ibu rumah tangga yang mengurusi anak, mengajari anak perempuan saya cara merajut, menjahit, memfoto, membatik, melukis, dan cinta.

saya ingin memiliki gelar arsitek tapi saya tidak ingin menjadi arsitek.. untuk saat ini tidak.. lelah.. saya ingin retire.. seandainya saya bisa retire dari program s1 di ITB ini..


yang, kamu dimana? maafin ajeng ya yang... Trisna, maafin Ajeng.. maaf...

kamu dimana? ajeng kangen.....