Tuesday, October 23, 2007


"I'm a super girl!", that's my current shout out on friendster. But is that really what I feel like? I mean, feeling like I'm a super girl? I don't know actually. Sometimes we ought to say things to make ourselves believe the things that we thought were wrong but instead it might be right. You know, that sort of things.

I feel like eating cheese now.. I have mozarella and cherry tomatoes but no olive oil.. too bad.. aaahh..

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Sunday, October 21, 2007

the world's top 10 most liveable cities

yea, just see it here.

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sing, baby sing!

yea, I do, sing a lot

yea, I do, use the speakers

yea, I do, use headphones

yea, I love music

aint a waste of time..


Thursday, October 18, 2007

I can't.. No, I'm in red!

this time, when you could know something, you chose not to, because you can't. and you live with uncertainty.

this time, when you could be happy and smiling a lot, you chose not to, because you can't. and you stop.

this time, when you could be in love, you run away, because you can't. why I can't? you all know the reason..

instead of being in an absolute joy, being in an absolute grief.. because I can't

instead of being in blue, being in red is better.. a whole lot better.. and i'm feeling red now..

*what's red by the way?*.. lol.. I don't care.. as long as it's red, i'd love it anyway.. and who cares?

and what's that pic there doing? nothing.. I just wanna share it with you guys.. twas taken in venice

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Monday, October 15, 2007

by the time we have nothing to do

ada yang seneng gambar2? baru menemukan situs lucu buat yang pengen belajar fashion design.. di www.fashionclub.com lumayan ada ajaran2 dasar.. hehe.. yaa.. ngisi waktu liburan lah. hehehe....

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Wednesday, October 10, 2007


kupetik sebuah apel, kupetik sebuah jeruk, dan kupetik sebuah mangga. Buah yang paling mudah dimakan ya si apel, tinggal digigit saja. Si jeruk dan mangga ku taro di keranjang. Ku pandangi seluruh kebun, semua pohon tertawa padaku, kupandangi rumput, dan mereka menengadah mengintimidasiku. Kupandangi awan, dan semuanya tidak memperdulikanku. Kucermati tetes hujan.. satu-satunya hal yang bisa melebur denganku.. yang toleran denganku.. terima kasih untuk tetes air mataku..

Apel itu tidak membantu apa-apa. Jeruk dan Mangga juga hanya memberatkan bawaanku saja. Kukira dengan mencoba itu semua, aku bisa tumbuh dan bahagia..tapi memang sungguh sulit menemukan kebahagiaan itu..

hingga ku sanggup pandangi horison dan mencari pelangi..aku menunggu pelangi..

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its a problem

so far i'm losing myself... I don't recognize the soul inside this body, the thoughts this brain produced and every feeling this heart exhale.. as if..

this and that and broken and happy and naive and stupid and ruthless and fucked up and clueless and ....

i shout and scream and do what i want.. for all this time these seem to be me and careless for being abandoned and pain for being left alone..

emotionally troubled and heart attack and scary and flame and crazy and everything just turns out to be a bit disappointing..

lack of interest in finding proton..

why is it so hard to tame my heart?
why is it too easy to be this crazy?

lack of self-control..

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stupid, again.

i feel kinda a bit weird here.. i dont know.. somewhere on the corner of my beating organ.. really, it feels strange since it didn't use to belong there.

and that alienish feeling seems to be so dilemmatic to me. I mean, I don't want to have that but I enjoy having it.. seriously, I thought one is enough.. not again.. oh god.. have i been too chrystal clear again? stupid me, how naive.. and how scary i've become. stop!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

liburan tak ada gawe.. sepi pula

tuhkannn.. mulai ga penting nih liburan.. aduuuhhh ngapain yaaa... masih males mikirin seminar juga.. aaaahhh.. tar tanggal 12 ke jkt.. trus beberapa hari doang bistu balik lagi.. uuuhh.. tar dino wisuda.. mbak noni nikah.. uuuuhhh.. ramai betul ya bulan ini.. semoga membawa berkah buat gw juga.. hehehehe...

hmm, sebenernya ada sih kerjaan.. hehe:

BERTANI!! hahahahaha...

kmaren baru belanja taneman di lembaang.. senangnya.. hahahahahaha


syalala.. layout baru.. syalala..

aduh, penyakitnya layout baru tuh maunya dipromosiin.. hehehe.. tapi gimana caranya ya ... berhubung disini terlalu banyak yang 'rahasia'
